Posted By: wraggster
Ishopvideogame have started selling refurbed DS Lite Consoles for $89, having brought one myself a few weeks ago for my wife i was stunned that the dslite looked brand new, infact i checked it all over and there was nothing wrong, so a damn decent bargain.
Heres the details and what colours are available:

Used (Refurbished) DS Lite has some new features:
1. Adjustable screen brightness
2. Repositioned microphone
3. More comfortable stylus
4. Color: White
5. Advanced touchscreen technology
6. Allows players of DS Lite games to use stylus or even their fingers, dualscreens, voice recognition and the WI-FI capabilities.
A great way to bag a Limited Edition DS Lite for a rather decent price.
More details at Ishopvideogame