Posted By: wraggster
Divineo USA have also added the R4DS Slot 1 Flash Cart to their Shop also:
More Info

- Same size as an original DS cart
- Built-in PassMe
- Using Micro SD card (Trans Flash) as storage. Cheap & multiple use for cards
- Boot clean dump images
- Very simple to use: drag and drop files to the micro SD card
- No drivers required
- Standard FAT system support
- Supports different speed of micro SD card even the low speed SD card. Runs games without any lag or slow down
- Upgradable Firmware ( OS / Bios / Kernel )
- Touch screen control & robust skinning support
- No battery needed, back up the save file directly into the micro SD card: Never lose your saved games
- Auto detect the save type & automatically generate saver file
- Homebrew support , IO lib available on launch
- Watch movie directly, listen to MP3 & read TXT on the DS via the use of Moonshell
- Supports WiFi, DS rumble pack & DS browser .
Buy at Divineo USA