Posted By: wraggster
PeterM one of our family of coders here at DCEmu has today released the first beta of his port of the classic game Quake for the Nintendo Gamecube and Nintendo Wii. Awesome release 
Quake on Gamecube now runs At 320×264 (PAL), demo 1 runs at comfortably over 70 frames per second. At 640×528, it runs at just under 30.

Heres info from the readme:
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Quake GameCube
A Wii or GameCube.
A Datel SD Media Launcher or some other way of running programs from SD Card.
Copy Quake.dol to somewhere on your SD Card.
Copy the ID1 folder to the root of your SD Card.
Copy Quake's PAK0.PAK (and PAK1.PAK if you own the full version) into the ID1 folder on your SD Card.
Check that the ID1 folder and all files within it are named using only upper case.
Insert the SD Card and adaptor into slot 1 of your Wii or GameCube. Quake uses an SD Card library which is not compatible with slot 2.
Launch Quake.dol using your method of choice.
Original game by id Software.
GameCube conversion by Peter Mackay.
GameCube version testing by eke, org and plootid.
You can report bugs or suggestions using the project's issue tracker. Please make sure to check the existing issues before adding new ones.
Source code
The original Quake code was released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). As Quake GameCube is currently in beta, source code is available on request. Once Quake GameCube is released, the source code will be made publicly available.
Download and Give Feedback to PeterM here at DCEmu via the Comments.
via peterm