Well, like they say, a geek is not a true geek until he/she attempts to do a port of Doom or Quake to his/her favorite gaming platform. With that in mind, and remembering too the Hidden Rule of every software developer (software must have the most cryptic & complex names one can think of), I present to you:
A port of the original Quake engine to the Nintendo DS.
And, yes, there are not enough ports of Quake to the DS in this world.
Apologies for the simple, uninformative web page... I promise I'll make something up more decent in the following days.
Important points:
- Read the readme. It's good for us all!
- Copy Q1DS.nds to your media card, copy /ID1/ to the *root* of the card, voila!
- This thing is playable... if you can stomach playing a 10FPS engine (*my* limitation, not the original one) at effective 2-5 FPSes.
- You might need to preconfigure your keys in order to play the game to your liking. But feel free to use your own config.cfg files the way you want them.
- At least once, try to play the game with the default settings. You will find e1m1 (the very first play level, after the Introduction) a little more... um... "colored" than you remember it from the original game.
And, please, remember: this is just a prototype. It could use LOTS and LOTS of improvements; I expect to work on it on a regular basis (after DualBASIC, of course... and after my own job, of course

In the meantime, please try it, suffer with it, get mighty-angry with it (and me), then send your kind, nice comments to
heribertod@gmail.com. k?
- Izhido