The rev73 is a later version to 0.3b Official (rev48) but this is not a finalized version.
Priiloader is a Homebrew builds upon by DacoTaco and phpgeek. This is a continuation of past Preloader opensource project.
It consistitue an alternative to BootMii in boot2 but Bricker can use the Wii! use with caution!
You can configure through priiloader Setting Editor
R67 => R73
- Fix launch chain
- Possibility to start a game VC / WW
- Removed CIHI password at the update or uninstall
- Option to choose the type of magicword between Daco and Pune
- Support GameCube controller and Classic Controller
- Correction of typographical
- Cleaning Code
R63 => R67
- New Typography
- Fixed and improved OpenDolBoot
- Fixed and improvements for compiling Linux Notament