Talking to Eurogamer TV, Nintendo UK's jolly ogre president David Yarnton took time out from pouring stout over his bangers 'n' mash to make sure that everyone who wanted a Wii knew that an apocalypse of bloodshed awaited you on opening day.
Stating that "20 million [consoles] wouldn't be enough", Yarnton concluded that shortages were a foregone conclusion. The implication? If you haven't already managed to pre-order, you will have to crack open a few skulls and feast on the goo inside to get a Wii on launch day. This, as all African Witch Doctors know, allows you to absorb their power.
Of course, it'll only be a couple... your stomach will explode and leak a brainy sludge all down your burst abdomen if you try to follow that strategy for the PS3 launch day.