I would like to inform you that there's a recently popular movement that has created a formal petition for region-free Wii games. The petition is targeted to Nintendo in several languages (including English, Spanish and French) and can be seen on this page from PetitionOnline (http://www.petitiononline.com/wii1234/petition.html)
The supporting website URL is http://freewii.freehostia.com, written in Spanish as the promoter is spanish. They have about 2000 signs in only 3 days and the initiative is being very well taken and the most important websites in Spain already have news about this petition.
I would like to spread the word in the international scene to increase the popularity and make the petition a success.
I'm sending this e-mail to Gizmodo, Ars Technica and DCEmu UK (via "send news" forum).