Nintendo is marking the launch of Pikmin 3 with several demo events to give consumers the chance to try out the Wii U strategy game.
First, the game will be available to play at the MCM Expo Manchester Comic Con, which runs across Saturday, July 20th and Sunday, July 21st.
This will be part of the platform holder's annual Nintendo Unleashed tour and gives Wii U owners the opportunity to play Pikmin 3 ahead of its July 26th release.
For launch weekend, Nintendo will be hosting its own event at the South Bank Observation Point in Central London from 11am to 7pm on Saturday, July 27th.
The Pikmin 3 event will then move to London's Brick Lane on Sunday, July 28th, open to the public from 11am to 5pm.
Yesterday, Nintendo announced separate Wii U and 3DS tours to promote games already available for both systems.