April 1st, 2008, 04:55 Posted By: kloplop321
Version 1.3 is now out
Website/download: http://phleon.kloplop321.com
Phleon is a simple program for those that wish to test their themes without having to waste a bunch of time on their DS, taking out their memory card from the computer, booting up, starting moonshell, testing, shut down, put the memory card back into the computer, and so on. I've also worked really hard just making things work, as in opening a previously made theme(even themes from outside of Phleon), and saving themes. In other words, It creates a folder that is just "Drag & Drop" into the skin folder of your moonshell folder of your memory card.
I do like to have feedback via email.
Updates:- I spelled English wrong, now fixed -.-
- "Leave to -1 to make it automatic" now not on top of everything
- minimized the spacing in the "windows emulator" window
- added some Portuguese things
- Full Spanish done(with tool-tips)
- Full Portuguese done(with tool-tips)
- fixed the single color file list highlight
- setting up all text in program to be able to change(such as tool-tips, and other windows I have added.)
- Modified the top screen emulator to be more pixel alike
- Added resizing windows by mouse in the window emulator!
- fixed possible cross threading issue that now comes up with the 3.5 .NET framework
- body and box menu actions where switched
- fixed the progress bar accidental reversal
- French Revamped(meaning new and human-ly translated thanks to cosmos cosmos)!
- German additions(tool-tips and some dialog stuff thanks to silent_code)!
- Dutch is now Full, thanks to Kawa from GBADev.
This program is in the following languages!- English
- Spanish
- French
- Dutch
- German
- Portuguese

\/ \/ \/ <-- (dynamic image)

For more information and downloads, click here!
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