September 21st, 2008, 19:07 Posted By: wraggster
Okachobi has ported Paradroid to the Nintendo Wii, heres the release details:
A version of SDL Paradroid compiled for the Wii to fill the void in the U.S., where the virtual console lacks C64 games. This version is created from the GPL'ed source code from SDL Paradroid and uses the same data files. The source will be released in accordance with its original GPL license as soon as I get to a stable version. I had considered abandoning the project because of the virtual console version, but then realized its not available in the U.S., and noticed that there are at least 2 PC remakes of Paradroid and several for mobile platforms. So if you like Paradroid and live where it is available, support the virtual console by purchasing it. Otherwise, wait a little while and give this port a try.
This version is in no way derived from the version available on the Wii Virtual Console in Europe. All code and graphics are from the freely-available SDL Paradroid released in 2002 under the GPL license. It has simply been patched in various ways to be compatible with the Wii Homebrew SDL library.
Status (in detail)
9/20 - Packaged preview distribution - try at your own risk
Download available for testing purposes
Extract zip to your apps/ directory on sdcard for Homebrew Channel launching
beware- it logs to the SDCARD under the /apps/Paradroid/Data directory/*.log - this file can grow large in time
Still no sound - and little memory available to load sound
Modified original to support some surfaces as 8bpp to save memory
planning to use late-loading of surfaces based on need to reduce overall usage
Temporarily eliminated screen-flash during disruptor fire to save memory
Converted some graphics to 8bpp to use less surface memory
Freed splash screen after use
Re-enabled 32bpp main surfaces now that some memory is available
Top-down map view doesn't work from computer consoles due to memory constraints
Key mapping won't work - don't bother trying it- just use wii-mote turned sideways
D-PAD moves droid, 2 fires, 1 toggles console, holding 2 while moving initiates transfer mode, home button exits
Explosion graphics don't seem to be working quite right
Droids get stuck a lot (not sure if this was an issue in original SDL Paradroid)
There appear to be bugs related to the damage processing
'Dead' levels (cleared levels) don't appear to switch to the darkened tileset
May still crash due to lack of memory and possible leaks
display code needs rewritten so as not to allocate a 4 meg offscreen map...
looking for help in trimming memory usage, email me if anyone is interested in assisting
thinking about getting a USB Gecko thingy to do some real debugging.
Elevator side view fixed (byte order issue while reading data file)
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