Copper, already author of several emulators of arcade games for the DS offers "Pang DS" which emulates 8 roms for MAME games & Pang Super Pang.
V1.0: 05/10/2009
* First release
* Version compiled with devkit pro libnds R26 and 1.3.8 + (FIFO debugged)
* The rom file is unzipped automatically by the emulator
* Saving the hi-scores
* Save the state of the emulator
* Best viewed with scrolling
List of supported sets:
Pang (World)
Pang (bootleg, set 1)
Pang (bootleg, set 2)
Buster Bros.. (U.S.)
Pomping World (Japan)
Super Pang (World 900914)
Super Pang (Japan 901023)
Super Buster Bros.. (U.S. 901001)