- Fixed the speed problem
- Fixed another problem in the sound init
- Adapted the makefile, now just put the mod in the data directory, and put #include modfile.h"
- Fixed upper/lower case problems for linux systems
The downloads have been totally migrated to sourceforge, in 3 packages :
- Examples... (zip)
- PAlib without the examples, a bit smaller (zip)
- Complete package (will include examples and the doc when I update it), in 7z format, though, to take up less space. I'll add a documentation package next time I update it
- Library (when compiled) and rom sizes reduced by 150kb
- Optimised the Astar memory usage, now has an init function...
- Added a function to load mod files from GBFS (too large files will kill your DS, though, as it copies them into RAM)
- Added a LargeMap Ex function, in which you chose the tileset size