Posted By: wraggster
Nuvalo has updated his port of Tyrian to the Nintendo Wii

Hi everyone.
I have done a quick update to test wiimote, keyboard and mouse support under SDL and wiilinux, using cwiid and wminput. This is a test version, to see if wmintput is good enough to manage wiimote events, or if i have to look for another option (implement the wiimote envents inside SDL). At this moment, wiimote works pretty well, i didn´t added support for nunchuck nor classic controller, but it should work in a future.
The good point of cwiid is that it enables to access to the wiimote events already translated in keyboard, joystick or mouse events, but it is still limited in some ways. If this version of opentyrian is good enough, i will try to grow up its functionalities.
With this release i´m looking to test wiimote, keyboard, mouse and gamecube pad performance. I couldn´t try by myself if the usb mouse works, but some people told me that it works. Some common problems:
- Pay attention when the progam asks you to press 1+2 buttons, to connect it to the wiimote. You only have 5 seconds
- Use the wiimote in horizontal position
- In 576i mode (pal 50Hz) the screen is draw in 640x480, so you will see it enlaged.
- Couldn´t test how it works in cable component mode, but spect to have weird colours.
This version is also 100% homebrew channel compatible, thanks to the latest wii-linux kernel.
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