You might remember such Nintendo innovations as the Power Glove and Virtual Boy. While the Power Glove was probably responsible for more Emergency Room electrified genital scenarios than strictly necessary, the Virtual Boy did at least usher in the dawn of Virtual Reality home console experiences (before promptly giving an ungodly headache to anyone that used it) - and it might just be that Nintendo hasn't completely given up the ghost of VR past just yet. Please stand clear of the proceeding flood of idle speculation.
Well, okay, let's put this into perspective. In an otherwise relatively mundane interview with Business Week, Shigeru Miyamoto had this to say on his vision for the future of videogames: "It's convenient to make games that are played on TVs. But I always wanted to have a custom-sized screen that wasn't the typical four-cornered cathode-ray-tube TV. I've always thought that games would eventually break free of the confines of a TV screen to fill an entire room. But I would rather not say anything more about that."
That curiously tight-lipped final sentence makes us wonder; has Nintendo got one more Revolutionary trick up its sleeve for its next-gen console or, perhaps, the company's toying with some out-of-teevee-videogame-craziness peripheral as we speak? Frankly, we have no idea but given a spare twenty minutes on a quiet news-afternoon, it filled up a pleasing number of otherwise unoccupied words.