Posted By: wraggster
jam4ar posted this over at the Groundspeak forums:
Saw (and replied to) a post the other day about paperless caching on the Nintendo DS, after thinking about it some more, I decided to write a program for the DS that can read GPX files. So now you can just load your pocket query file or an export from GSAK and away you go. This is a very new (read "has a few bugs") but I think it is very functional even at this early stage.

Sorry for the crummy image - Emulators can't run this program so no pretty screenshots.
-View Description, Hint, Difficulty, Terrain, Owner, Container, and Cache type
-Control with either stylus or buttons (buttons not implemented as I'm posting this but should done by tomorrow)
-See Hint only if you click the button
-Swap windows from top to bottom to control either with the stylus.
-FREE! (Though if you want to send a garmin Colorado or Oregon my way I wouldn't refuse )
A few known (but hopefully fixed soon) limitations.
- Only Geocaches for the moment. child waypoints can't be handled yet. After I add the logic for the parser to tell the difference this should be fixed.
- Scroll Bars in the windows are kinda screwy (dragging with the stylus works great though).
- Limited to about 200 waypoints - This is a hardware issue I believe, but I may try to optimize a bit more for
better efficiency.
- HTML in descriptions is not parsed so some of it looks really ugly. All the text is still there and readable, you just have to sift through the HTML tags to find it.
- I'm sure there are more.
How to get it:
Until I set up a project page somewhere, I will email it to anyone who wants it. Just send me a message here (don't forget to include your email address) and I'll send you the rom along with some more detailed instructions for use. *note you need a flash cart for use, has been tested on R4, should work on others*
A few things to note and give credit where it is due. This was coded up pretty quick and while I've done a good bit of testing I'm sure there are some bugs that need fixing. I can and will in no way be held responsible for any damage or resulting loss from use of this program. It is supplied free of charge and free of warranty, while I plan to develop it a bit more and get the bugs out I can't make any promises of bugfixes or support though I will do my best as time allows.
This was developed using the Woopsi library, a great tool for rapid application development on the DS. XML parsing is done with TinyXML. Compiled using the DevKitARM toolkit along with PALib. Filesystem access is via libFat. This whole thing is made possible by lots of work by lots of people providing great toolkits. Thanks to all of them.
if anyone has time to go over to the forum there and request the file and say it will be hosted at dcemu, infact ill stick it up so you can all grab it without being a member.