Still waiting for Miiverse to show its hide on Nintendo's 3DS? Maybe the promise of more conventional social networking will tide you over. Thanks to a new web tool, Japanese 3DS owners can now share screenshots from Animal Crossing: New Leaf andTomodachi Collection:New Life with their Twitter and Tumblr followers. The setup is pretty simple, giving users access to a basic upload interface through the 3DS' built-in web browser. Just pick an image, add a caption and watch your retweets roll in. Unfortunately, the tool doesn't work with just any image -- attempting to upload a shot taken with the 3DS camera gave us an error, which told us (via a rough translation) that the picture came from "incompatible software." The tool is written entirely in Japanese, but folks with a knack for Kanji can check it out at Looking for a compatible game? We hear there's a bundle for that.