October 11th, 2014, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster

Bayonetta 2 doesn't hit Western shelves for another couple of weeks - check out the launch trailer below the break - but the demo is available right now on both the North American and European eShops. There's a brief tutorial introducing the basic hack-and-slash moves, but fans of the first game won't be surprised to see the demo drop you straight into the madness after that. In the 15 minutes or so it lasts you do battle with all manner of beasties, regular-sized and generally massive, all while riding on top of a jet plane, being chased down on a moving train, and winging your way around a huge dragon thing that's made its way up a tower, King Kong-style. Expect similar insanity when the Wii U game launches on October 24.
While we know the Bayo demo is big news - by the by, it's just over two yearssince Nintendo wowed us by announcing Bayonetta 2 as a Wii U exclusive - there are other games, full games, out on the eShop this week. WiiWare favorite Art of Balance comes to Wii U in a new, bigger iteration, tasking players with 200 levels to stack up oddly shaped objects in while keeping things steady. For even more nostalgic types, Game Boy Advance entry Castlevania: Circle of the Moon whips up a Virtual Console debut this week too, again on Wii U.
So, you know the drill: You'll find the list of new releases below the break, with prices, details and dates of availability (PS: as ever, if there's no date that means it's out today or is already out). As for sales, check Nintendo's press release for the complete list of offers - our pick this week is loco Latin-styled platformerGuacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition, which is roughly a third off at $9.75 until October 16.
For more information and downloads, click here!
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