November 17th, 2014, 00:16 Posted By: wraggster
via http://emu-russia.net/en/
CaH4e3 updated his site with the following message:
- 888888-in-1 (CoolBoy AEF-390 8bit Console, B8VPCBVer03 20130703 0401E2015897A)(Unl)[U][!]. Comrade HardWareMan passed to me today one sweet dump of the embedded games from the Famicom-based OneBus system handheld game console, which is very appreciated! I decided to use this dump to rise amount of visitors to my little comfy blog. How? This console, apart from neat multigame menu with music and preview icons for every single unique game on board, as well as some nice already dumped Angry Birds and Plants VS Zombies ported games, have an unique starting cutscene with dancing Psy's with well known "Gangnam Style" music! Even more, for playing music this console uses exclusive OneBus' PCM DMA mode, so we can hear not only the chiptune music, but the whole composition with the voice (the same feature were used in my other dump of the dance mat called "Street Dance"). So, i hope my visitors rate will rised minimum by 50 millions. 
To be able to listen to this intro you need an updated FCEUmm from corresponding page on this site or latest SVN build of the FCEUX from SourceForge.
Among other games on this console, there are a couple of generic games, some hacks and old originals, and at least one neat pirate original with suprisingly quality music, called "Fruit Pig".
News source: http://cah4e3.shedevr.org.ru
For more information and downloads, click here!
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