June 10th, 2006, 22:21 Posted By: wraggster
Before the review heres some info about the game:

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Heres the review from WhiteX of Emulation 64
This game is a tie in to an animation flick that is going on theaters, it suffers from the same sickness all licensed products suffer and is targeted to an
younger audeince
Presentation: 7
In fact the graphics on this one are very good, the cars are very well made, the world is also nice, all in full 3D. I graded it a little harshly because of the cutscenes that are made of still images and text but with an effect to make it look like a movie, that trick is as cheap as it gets.
Music: 5
The intro song is kinda nice but the rest is some boring, repetitive and forgettable rock and roll music trying to give some 50´s feeling to it.
Gameplay: 3
It is a selection of minigames, there are all kinds of it, from a Road Fighter clone to a street light memory game. Most of the minigames are plain boring with the touchscreen usage being forced on them, as it aims for kids, it may stick, you you´re grown or you do not watch Barney, pass this one out.
The DS Factor: 3
Most of the touchscreen control is forced and unimaginative, there´s no microphone usage, th only thing well done are the graphics.
Lasting appeal: 6
Being a minigame collection, you may elect your favorites and play them once in a while.
Final considerations:
A movie tie in, what else to be said, it is rushed, not very thought out and dull but some of the smaller kids might like it.
Read the full review at Emulation 64
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