Moonshell is a multimedia player for the Nintendo DS. It can play wav, mp3, ogg, display text files, display jpg, bmp and play video.
1.2 Finalbeta
changes since moonshell 1.1:
NDSLiteDefaultBrightness (4=AutoDetect) item was added to [System] section of global.ini.
StartupSound (2=Auto start) item was added to [Boot] section of global.ini.
MicroDrive was supported with GBAMP. (There is MicroDrive for which compatibility is not suitable. )
The clock plug-in was supported with MSPV30. The clock is displayed without turning off the backlight.
MID/RCP plug-in was corrected a little. (There are no changes in the sound font and midrcp.ini. )
WhenPanelClose (1=PowerOff) item was added to [System] section of global.ini.
TopScreenFlip (0 = Normal, 1=180 rotation, 2=Vertical flip, 3=Horizonal flip) item was added to [System] section of global.ini.
The close button was mounted.
ImageControlTimeOutSec item was added to [System] section of global.ini. for full screen image.
The bug that the DPG reproduction becomes heavy was corrected. (libnds-20060410 back to libnds-20060201)
The DPG decoder was sped up a little.
Dithering (3=Heavy) item was added to [DPGPlugin] section of global.ini.
AdaptiveDelayControl (0=Movement priority 1=Synchronous priority.) item was added to [DPGPlugin] section of global.ini.
Scroll method of the image redraw was sped up.
finalbeta 2 is out now too.
The bug to which The MID/RCP plug-in did not liberate the file steering wheel was corrected.
Because a private function had remained entering, it returned.
The readme.txt of an english and finnish version was bundled. (Thank you Xtreme!)
The readme.txt of an spanish version was bundled. (Thank you JuSJo!)