How to burn the R6 menu to the R6 menu flash ?
[1] use any slot-1 or slot-2 to run this "Mk6_burn-R6_Homebew_Menu_Vx.x.nds";
[2] when you see the screen ask you press START to burn the MK6/R6, please insert the R6 cart, and press START;
[3] after it finish,then can re-power on your NDS to try the R6 menu.
Mk6 burn-R6 Homebew Menu V0.1 [July.17th 2007]
[1] This is the first demo version,can load homebrew from TF and run
[2] The "NEO_MENU_v1.5_R6_Demo_V0.1.nds" is for load the nds game,but it's demo version too