Posted By: wraggster
Ulti posted this release for Wii 
Hey, it's missile command time! This uses the excellent libwiisprite for graphics and Sndlib BETA 1.0 for sound. The background music is Epoq - Lepidoptera, available for free from the Kahvi Collective. The sound effects were made by me spitting on my microphone.
Current Version
Fixed a crash bug related to split missiles not being cleaned up properly.
Added text, using Beardface's FreeType With Libwiisprite. The font I'm using is Ben Nathan's Elements, which is available for free from Urban Fonts. Beardface, consider yourself attributed!
Changed background music to Kenny Beltrey - Hydrate, another Kahvi track, because I was getting tired of listening to the old one over and over.
Sped up enemy missile speed by a factor of two.
Added an interface for writing level scripts. This is what enables the title screen, game over screen, etc.
Moved the file hosting to WarpedFlash's dropbox. Thanks WarpedFlash!
0.4a - Added background music and sound effects (contact me on IRC if you think you can do a better job with the sound effects)
0.3a - Added split missiles, missiles now have trajectory lines
0.2a - Added silo health and ammo, marginally better sprites
0.1a - Initial release
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