Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Kayvon

It's the classic Missile Command game, rewritten for the Nintendo DS! Shoot down the incoming missiles and protect your cities. Earn a new city every 10,000 points or, if you already have all four, get a huge point bonus.
High scores are automatic if you have DLDI patching. Most modern cards do this automatically, but if you don't see high scores showing up, you need to manually DLDI patch. The scores are stored in the \DATA directory, if one exists. Otherwise they're stored in the root directory.
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I made this game from scratch in three weeks. The first week was learning how to program for the DS, which I had never done before. The game itself was programmed during week two. The third week was simply playtesting.
If you're aspiring to program games, the best thing you can do is take math classes. Take all the math classes offered in high school and learn as much as possible. It makes programming much easier and your games will be fast and more efficient. I have a solid math background (I'm an engineer), but I still wish I had paid more attention in my college Linear Algebra.
UPDATED Feb 08, 2009
* All Rumble Paks should be supported now
* Added "heartbeat" rumble to missile launches
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