Posted By: Mazza
Lazyone has posted this about his Mac emulator for DS -
I'll clear up a few things here:
You do need to obtain a valid macintosh plus rom file inorder to use this emulator, there are utilities available to use which can dump from a working mac plus.
If you only own the rom chip itself or your mac plus is broken, the rom is available for download in some places.
The emulated screen is just under 2x bigger than the DS's screen at 512x342. This limitation is handled by centering the background over the cursor.
As for speed, I have it running at between 16 and 22fps load/desktop which for some games and apps is very usable. Sim Ant for example, works very well and is very playable at 16-18fps.
There is also TONS of room for improvement in the 68k core, especially with memory operations. ( And I cannot use cyclone due to license incompatibilities )
One thing holding me back now is the lack of a keyboard, I simply can't draw one good enough. So if someone wants to donate keyboard graphics...
So come on people donate keyboard graphics 
More info Here