Ok, the basic Mii Viewer/Editor by me is done. I would like to see comments on what else i could add. It currently shows the basic features of the Mii, and allows the use of basic Mii Editing functions. Currently, there is no actual image of the Mii, as I cannot do graphics but if anyone wants to help with that part of it, then let me know. Here is the info from the README:
Created By:
When you create a Mii, it will create a Mii Data File called
"ChosenFileName", no quotes, replacing ChosenFileName with
the File Name you chose.
File 1: Mii_Editor_Viewer.nds
This is the Mii Editor/Viewer for the DS.
File 2: TEST
The Test Mii's data file

DLDI Patch the file Mii_Editor_Viewer.nds

Place Mii_Editor_Viewer.nds and TEST onto you homebrew
launcher in the root directory.

Launch Mii_Editor_Viewer.nds
Note: Make sure that all Miis are in the root directory of
you homebrew launcher.
The Mii Editor/Viewer can be run on DeSmuME. I am not sure
which version, as I forget mine, but it should work on one of
the newest versions. HOWEVER, the only thing it will be able
to do is view the Mii. It cannot save it. (At least it
hasn't for me) Just make sure all of the files are together
in 1 folder.
If it works, then the Test Mii's properties should be:
Mii Name: test
Creators Name: GEMISIS
Favorite Color: Light Blue
Weight: 70
Height: 64
Mii ID: 17-250-172-114
Created By: GEMISIS
brendkak4 for the Original Topic Idea
Nintendo for creating the idea of Miis
Controls (didn't put them in the README ):
After the splash screen (press any key to go through it), use the following buttons to load/create a mii:
A: Load an already created mii
B: Create a new mii
After you have loaded a mii or created a mii you can edit the following attributes with the following buttons:
A: Changes favorite color forwards
B: Changes favorite color backwards
Up: Makes the mii taller
Down: Makes the mii shorter
Right: Makes the mii Heavier
Left: Make the mii lighter
Note: I would recommend counting to at least 10 before turning the DS off, that way, it can save the data properly. I will make a status bar sometime later. On the side note, it saves every time you edit something/create a new mii, so be aware of that.