Posted By: wraggster
ETK has released a new version of his Excellent Megaman clone for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new:
Changes MegaETk v1.03:
-Fix: Hero movement speed when clicking New Game fixed (not 100% sure)
-Fix: Fixed the overload in final boss level when there are too many monsters in the screen. (I think it's definitely fixed ^^)
-Fix: Fixed the teleport of the subway from level 7-2
-Fix: Fixed 'Shoot x2' item location on level 7-2. Now it's reachable
-Fix: Shop doesn't freeze now when you buy all items and try to buy an empty one.
-Fix: When you enter to a boss area, all shoots in the screen are destroyed. Now you can't get hit by a monster who shot you just before entering the area.
-New: Now you can skip credits. (Also changed the text to "The End")
-Others: unabled Level Editor option (just wait a bit more :P)
-Others: More Readme language files! Chinese Traditional and Chinese Simplified. Thanks to yeyezai and huimi

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