ThousandKnives has posted a new release of his shootemup for the DS:
You are the Martian- you are BRUTE! You are going to destroy earth and you're starting with this name.
I have uploaded a *minor* update of this game. The widespread feedback on this game has changed my mind about leaving it quite yet- though I'm still not sure how far it will go.
The game now uses Libfat and thus will crash certain emulators (I'm looking at you Dualis). Not sure about slot 2 devices, as I don't own one and so I haven't tested that. Works on my slot 1 perfectly, and will run on No$GBA though scores will be lost after powering off.
In this update:
- Better sound effect support
- Board to keep Top 10 scores & name entry.
- Various map edits
- First boss actions tweaked
- Powerup frequency reduced