MAG Loader is a new shipper file ELF and DOL developed by me (MAG / PiratePila) and AntonioND. With this homebrew can have more than one on your SD ELF which means you can choose where you want to load without having to walk connecting the card to the PC and renaming files. One very useful tool for anyone who wants adentrar at the scene Wii.
Using this application is quite simple, just has to follow these steps and run to perfection;
1) Make sure you have the SD card formatted in FAT/FAT16.
2) Extract the file MAG_Loader.rar (which you can download below).
3) Rename the file magloader.elf to boot.elf and copy it to the root of the SD. It also creates a folder called elf (same root), this folder will need to put all the ELF and DOL you want bear MAG Loader.
4) Insert the SD in the Wii and the burden boot.elf since the channel homebrew or twilight hack, and you enjoy all your ELF in Wii.
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