February 5th, 2011, 19:30 Posted By: Shrygue

Okay, I don't normally post stuff like this but here goes. Today I was one of the lucky one who received an invite to get a chance to see the yet to be launched Nintendo 3DS along with a handful of games especially for the system. The London event was held at the Old Trueman Brewery, 91 Brick Lane. Actual entry was around the back; though anyone who attended might have the London 2008 Eurogamer Expo would probably have guessed so. This time, instead of using the main space, the Nintendo preview event was held in a smaller section on the upper floors. Then again with smaller numbers of people with allocated time slots throughout the day, there’d be no problem with capacity.

Anyway upon arrival around 9:30am, there were just a few guys waiting around outside. However in a space of 20 minutes, that somehow managed to become a queue of some 30 people or so. Come 10pm, we were all still waiting to get in despite tickets saying be there for 10. What happened is that tickets got checked, wristbands issued and another 10 minutes to wait on top. Still 10:20am, we got the green light to come forward.

After almost getting hit by a van when crossing the drive and dashing up a flight of stairs, I reach the lobby and looked to my left. A line up of Nintendo consoles for all to see with a Nintendo DSi XL incorrectly labelled as a Lite.

Once everyone managed to get in, someone on the preview event started getting the tour going by first showing us this interactive floor matt that tracks the movement of anyone with a net/grid effect, a promotion of a 3DS feature called Streetpass. It’s something to do with exchanging info while it sleep mode on the move I believe. Up to 10 people could be tracked with equipment mounted above. Fun stuff that.

Next room, we come across a set of a temple entrance and a waxwork model of Ryu outside. Or, so I it was - until it got up! Jesus, for one moment I really though the guy was a model. Then Ken steps out and both of them fight – the match ends in a draw and we get taken to the next room. Oh and I recorded the fight, I might upload the clip at one point. Just wish I captured that moment the guy playing Ryu got up though!
In this one two as characters Jill and Chris in Resident Evil appear. They tell us to wait and then proceed in a line, 10 at a time, hands on shoulders quickly. We go through another room with them fighting zombies and that one with a flour sack on his head and chainsaw in hand. This is jokes, I thought.

After that, we reached yet another room (yeah we’ve gone though quite a few already!), we all wait and view some more info on the 3DS in screen for 2 minutes. Then, we get in to the next room and finally get to try out the new 3DS consoles with some heavy musical beats turned to go.

On to the console, the 3Ds is a pretty big unit, probably somewhere along the lines of the original DS. I like the feel of the Circle Pad which is the name for the analogue stick. There’s a slider to control the intensity of 3D visuals plus an active indicator. Power and charge lights are now on the bottom edge of the console with the headphone jack in the middle.

I didn’t fully try out the cameras, should have done so but then the quality and megapixels wouldn’t be all that ace anyway. I did have a poke around in the system software though.

Some features weren’t available like the Internet browser, these will be present in a firmware update - systems here had v1.0.0-0E installed. Just wished those stupid Kensington type locks weren’t on those units, makes them uncomfortable to use. Also I think the home start and select buttons were a bit unresponsive, maybe I was using a dodgy unit. I tried out PES 2011 3D, but just barely. I was going to try out other games but I spent most of my time trying to get some shots in before all in the room being moved along.

We reach one final room, this one had more 3DS consoles places to sit down finally and netbooks connected to local wi-fi. Surfed the net and spoke with a couple of nice ladies working at the event too!

I shared some gaming info with another attendee that I met before we got in – he’s the Nintendo fan, showed me some DS games he had in his bag, most of them Pokemon, had a few other including Golden Sun. Reminds me, I need to buy that game, original GBA versions were totally brilliant.
Bottom line to all this, it was worth going to. Got some pictures, though some not the best shots ever though. Wish there was a bit more stuff to see and a little bit more time to try out though. I do look forward to another event; hopefully Sony might do a preview of their New Generation Portable.
Nintendo 3DS launches on March 25th 2011. It'll retail for £230 but if you look around, you can get it cheaper.
So tell us, did you attend the London or the Manchester 3DS preview event? Do you plan to buy a 3DS? Tell us your thoughts via comments below.
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