Posted By: wraggster
Our very good friend GPF has posted a screenshot of the Links Web Browser working in DS Linux, heres a screenshot:

Heres last nights newspost:
Hi, I finally made some progress with getting graphics enabled in links browser under dslinux and wanted to share it before I went to bed.
links -g -dither-images 1 -display-optimize 1 -html-image-scale 50
My port of gpm to dslinux still needs some work in libgpm, so the mouse isn't working yet. And there are alot of graphicaly problems with fonts, but the graphics show up great if they fit the screen size
Heres todays update:
I have made more progress this evening and have got the mouse working in links now, with some updates to libgpm
so far this seems to be the best way to start it
links -g -dither-images 1 -display-optimize 1 -html-image-scale 90 -menu-font-size 8 -aspect-on 1 -dither-letters 1 -html-user-font-size 8
It's working pretty good so far, still some problems with screen not refreshing and some font problems in the menus and occasionally in the screen.
The good thing is if you don't specifigy -g when starting links, it works as before except if GPM is running, you can use the text console mouse
Full information at GPFs Site on our Network here -->