Posted By: wraggster
Kukulcan has released a new quizz game for the Nintendo DS, heres the details:
After having created Necro-Quizz, my friend ***al gentillement asked me to create Quizz on the literature, and considering that I did not have really project which justified me, and which I could not too what carry out for contest DEV-FR, I considered that it was a good idea while sticking to the théme evolution. What enabled me to learn has to draw directly on a screen, has to use rotations and zooms on the sprites and some other small things.
A series of 20 questions will arise at you on a total of 1500, and will have you the choice between 4 answers, only one is the maid of course.
A histogram of your evolution will take shape in real time on the screen top.
In red the bad answers and in green will be represented the good answers.
So that the histogram is clearer, the red and green colors, are equipped with 2 nuances which are posted in turn for a better legibility.
A histogram to know the evolution of the percentage of good answer is present on the screen top and on the right.
And when you pass the battery of the 20 questions you have the right has a synthése your answers, with a comment for the 21 possible notes (0 to 20).
To help you, at the end of 30 seconds a flash viendrat to erase a bad answer, and if you wedge always, 30 seconds later a news bad answer will be unobtrusive. No penalty for the flashes, such was my choice and no possibility of activating them earlier.
Screen top:
You will be able to look at your evolution on 20 parts.
Screen of bottom:
They are the stats of all your parts, with the total of the number of part, your best score, the worst score, the total number of good answer, the total of bad answer, and the total of appeared flash.
To answer the questions you can use either the Stylet or buttons X Y B or A.
Run of the Left background = Pad or Right Pad
To change the form of the background (4 forms available) = High Pad
To change the color of the background (6 colors available) = Low Pad
R = Music On/off (2 musics available)
Sadly the game is only in french, download at official Release Thread