March 12th, 2008, 23:28 Posted By: wraggster

There's already been quite a few musicians (and would-be ones) brought into the Nintendo DS fold thanks to apps like Jam Sessions, but it looks like there could soon be another wave flocking to the popular handheld, with the official, Korg-approved DS-10 synthesizer from AQ Interactive now headed for the DS in Japan. As you can see for yourself in the video after the break, like Jam Sessions, the synthesizer is anything but a game, with it boasting two patchable virtual synths with two oscillators each, a drum machine, a sequencer, and a full range of effects, to name but a few features. You'll also apparently be able to wirelessly link up several systems to play together or simply exchange sounds and songs, although you'll apparently have to make do without MIDI support. Needless to say, we'll keep you posted on any word of a release 'round these parts, but in the meantime, you can look forward to this one hitting Japan in July for ¥4,800, or just under $50.
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