Posted By: wraggster
News/release from robamacaf
I worked on this for the last two days and have it at least in a playable fashion. If you don't know what Khet is, here is a description.
It's the game that combines lasers with classic strategy. Players alternate turns moving Egyptian-themed pieces having two, one or no mirrored surfaces. All four types of pieces (pharaoh, obelisk, pyramid and djed column) can either move one square forward, back, left, right, or diagonal, or can stay in the same square and rotate by a quarter twist. Each turn ends by firing one of the lasers built into the board. The laser beam bounces from mirror to mirror; if the beam strikes a non-mirrored surface on any piece, it is immediately removed from play. The ultimate goal is to illuminate your opponent's pharaoh, while shielding yours from harm!
(The red laser shoots out the top left, from the circle there, the grey one from the bottom right. red pieces can't go on the grey squares and grey pieces can't go on the red squares)
This game is being released to get feedback, etc. I will be updating it with more features. As of now, it is only 2 player on the same DS. I hope to add Wifi and computer AI soon. I will also be adding different configurations to play with. There are 3 main ones in Khet but I am also going to make it that players can make their own. I am also looking at redoing the graphics, possibly 3D.
As for now, enjoy the game! This is my FIRST DS game and also my first C/C++ program so please let me know what you think!
v1.02 - 03 Dec 08
Added in the 3 basic layouts. These are the ones that are in the rules. The way it works is:
* Classic: Use this setup if this is your first time to play Khet. Good for learning the game
* Imhotep: A variation on CLASSIC that opens up new defensive possibilities.
* Dynasty: A setup with an immediate balance of offense and defense that develops quickly.
v1.01 - 03 Dec 08
* Added the ability to deselect an item, to do this just click any where off the game board
* Added a highlight so you can see which piece you have selected
* Added a version number on the Rules screen so you can see what version you have.
* (Updated link)
v1.00 - 03 Dec 08
*Game added

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