August 9th, 2007, 19:34 Posted By: wraggster
Davr has updated his release of Java for the Nintendo DS, heres the full news from his site:
I know what you’re thinking…â€That’s a horrible idea and you’re a horrible person for suggesting it!â€
The main problems with Java on DS:
1. Interpreted languages are slower, the overhead is bad on a slower embedded platform
2. No direct memory access. Almost all of the DS hardware is interfaced by reading and writing directly to specific memory locations
3. No primitive unsigned 8-bit types. What were they thinking?
But…I went ahead and did it anyway, just for fun. I didn’t start from scratch, I took Torlus’s KVM port to GBA and used that as a base for getting it to work on DS. Right now, when it starts, you pick a .class file, and it will run it! In addition, using KNI, I’ve written a basic wrapper around parts of libnds, enough to read input from the touchscreen/buttons, and to move sprites around.
To use this demo, place kvm.nds, all the *.class files, and all the *.bin files on the root of your flashcart.
Run kvm.nds, then select a .class file to run. There are a few examples testing various stuff.
Don’t forget to DLDI-patch the kvm.nds
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