The Nintendo Switch is quite the popular console right now, as many in lockdown are finding out. Hardware shortages have been noticed across the world--especially in Nintendo's home country--with demand overwhelming the short supply of the system. Not to mention, with the success of the recently released Animal Crossing: New Horizons, even the slightly less popular Nintendo Switch Lite handhelds are flying off the shelves. This has lead to a sharp jump in sales for the Switch hardware line, which are up more than 300,000 units over last week, in Japan. This surge in sales also means that the Nintendo Switch has officially surpassed the Nintendo Wii in terms of units sold in Japan. Though the Nintendo Wii was incredibly popular and still boasts over 101 million global sales, it only sold 12.7 million units in Japan before the system was discontinued in 2013. Currently, the Nintendo Switch is sitting at 12.8 million systems sold, putting it just above the older console's figures.