The media sometimes do the Homebrew scene a lot of good by posting the many fantastic releases that have happened so far but then comes the other side when they bring the word Homebrew into the piracy arena -->
Its claimed to be running on the Wii Homebrew channel but a glance at the comments tell you that its a virtual console piracy hack, nothing at all to do with homebrew and especially not the fantastic Homebrew Channel.
Newsposts like this will give Nintendo More encouragement to have a Pop at Homebrewers, but the hacking side (or the piracy side depending on which site you look at) also dont help the scene, the amount of newsposts telling people how to get commercial roms playing on a Wii via a modchip only gives the Big N more emphasis to kick the homebrew scene out too. Some of these scene sites also funnily enough dont post on their front pages such news but in the forums its open house, another win for piracy.
Now to be honest i dont care what others do but the good work done by all the Homebrew coders on any console gets ruined by the piracy on sites and forums.