April 1st, 2008, 19:50 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
The teasiest of teasing hints from Camelot Software Planning has raised hopes that the Golden Sun developer is planning a new game in the RPG series.
"Honestly, just like your readers saying that they want to see a new Golden Sun, a new tennis game, a new Shining Force, well, everyone in Camelot feels the same way - we really want to get these games out for you guys", heads of the Japanese studio Hiroyuki and Shugo Takahashi said in interview with IGN, dangling a carrot.
Inviting further speculation, the pair confirmed that the developer is currently in the planning stages of "doing something interesting", suggesting that whatever this is it's an RPG for DS or Wii.
"We hope that you will be looking forward to our future game", they added. "We ourselves are looking forward to the next Camelot RPG as well, just like you."
Golden Sun and sequel Golden Sun: The Lost Age released on GBA critical acclaim.
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