IRCDS (v0.2) by Freemaan []
An IRC client for Nintendo DS.
..::How to use::..
Just copy the .nds/sc.nds/.ds.gba file to your card and start it.
It'll try to create the config file if it doesn't exist.
To disable saving, create an empty file with this filename: NOSAVE
-Start: (re)connect
-Select: disconnect
-B: parts from a channel
-L,R: gives back your previous message
-Left,right,up,down - scrolls the upper screen
-L+R (at logo screen) - disables FAT support
..::Config file::..
If it can't create the config, you can create/edit it manually.
/Password (0 if none!)
| /Debug mode
| | /Autoconnect
| | | /Hide 'Ping? Pong!'
| | | | /Hide joins/parts/quits
| | | | | /Show MOTD
| | | | | | /Enable sounds
| | | | | | | /Linebreak
| | | | | | | | /Add timestamp to messages
| | | | | | | | |
I've included a sample config file.
..::Files inside ircds_0_2.rar::..
-ircds.ds.gba - for SuperCard (same as .ds.gba)
-ircds.cfg - sample config
-readme.txt - this file
..:Tested with::..
-MagicKey 2 - works
-Supercard SD - works (freezes if you send it with WMB)
-GBAMP - works
-M3 CF - works
-M3 MiniSD - works (see 'known bugs'!!!)
-F2A - works, saving disabled
-WMB - works, saving disabled
..::Version history::..
-0.2 - pretty stable now, a LOT new features
-pre0.2 private beta 1,2,3
-0.1c - just a quick fix to work with psybnc
-0.1b - parting from channels works now with every server
-0.1a - fixed a fatal bug: freezed while connecting to a non-efnet server
-0.1 - initial release
..::What you can expect in the next versions::..
-IRC colors support
-More languages
-DCC chat, transfer
..::Known bugs/issues::..
-M3 MiniSD corrupts the config file!
Create the file manually and also create a NOSAVE file to disable saving!
(if it got corrupted and you can't delete it, run: chkdsk x: /F (x is your card reader) )