Darkchen has released the first public version of his astounding GBA Emulator for the Nintendo DS and indeed the DSI and only for the IPlayer Flashcart, heres the release notes:
- Video & Audio
Graphic size: Original size
Game fast forward: default is off. The frame skip level will be set into 9 when you turn on it, then you can play games with the fastest speed
Frame skip type: default is auto, you can set it into Manual, then you can set the frame skip level
Frame skip level: the higher level the faster game speed
Sound switch: switch on/off the sound
- Save State
Write game state: limited 32 slots
Read game state: read saves with the screenshot and date
- Cheats
Supports Pro Action Replay/Gameshark codes.
Put the cheat files into /Gamecht/
- Tools
Screen snapshot:
Save the pics as .png format into /Gamepic/
Supports auto display pics
- Others
Supports Auto standby
Supports CHT/ENG
Suggest to format microsd card into FAT format, it’s faster
How to use:
1st, Make sure the fireware and OS of your iPlayer is the lastest version
2nd, There are CHT/ENG 2 emulators in the zip file. Install the one which fit your iPlayer
3rd, Copy the whole NDS-GBA folder and files into /_system/