Capcom cancelled what would have been Mega Man's 3DS debut in July, and former head of production Keiji Inafune apologised to fanssoon after despite leaving Capcom last October. Speaking to 4Gamer - translated by Game Blurb - Inafune reveals that he reached out to the publisher in the hope of saving the game. He explains that, when he told Capcom he was leaving, he offered to stay on as a contractor to finish projects he had started.
That offer was refused, and Inafune adds: "[I went to the trouble of] finding the right time, gathering the team members, planning strategies, all so we could barely start on Mega Man Legends 3. I wanted to leave Capcom to recharge my energy, and support Capcom from there, but it seems they don't allow it. I make all my effort to keep Legends 3 alive, but I'm really not sure I can do it."