Okay, so I screwed up a couple things. Here’s your fixed Homebrew Channel, version 1.0.1, with a couple of bonus fixes too.
Fixed B button issues (app screen corruption, crash on B+A)
Wiimotes now keep the ordering from the System Menu (libogc) (note: they’ll switch again when you boot apps that haven’t been updated like HBC has - but they would have switched anyway, and HBC can use all Wiimotes, so you don’t lose anything while those apps are updated)
Hopefully fixed the USB Ethernet issues (couldn’t find a tester, even without a USB Gecko… it’s like they all disappeared after reporting the bug. Hope this fixes it)
Fixed wiimote auto-shutdown (libogc) (now you don’t need a ridiculously perfectly still wiimote for it to shut down - playing music won’t cause your wiimote batteries to die)
Hopefully fixed “video after shutdown†issues (libogc)
Changes to () -> *