Posted By: wraggster
The Codemii Team have released a new version of the HomeBrew Browser for the Nintendo Wii, heres whats new:
24 January 2009 (v0.2.5b)
Keep retrying networking initialisation
Now shows the progress when extracting the zip files (thanks Tantric)
Detects the ftpii directory when using a password like ftpii_mypass
Keep meta.xml name when updating if it has been edited
Added more error checking when updating HBB, if updating fails it reverts back to the previous version
Media category becoming unavailable should now be fixed
Fixed controller screen to display accurate Dpad information
A few small things have been added to the HBB as shown above. The media category bug has finally been fixed as far as I can tell which is good news

. The extracting screen now has a progress bar thanks to Tantric and the network initialisation has been changed to keep retrying if it fails.
If you haven’t noticed some new pages on the blog I’ll point them out. The first one is HBB Development which gives you up to date information about the HBB development, features planned, bugs found, etc. You can also sign up, comment and submit bug reports. The second page is the HBB Guide which explains how things work.
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