September 28th, 2006, 07:33 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang

After we started off the new Pokémon season of games with our Pokémon Festival last week, today we are bringing you the gist of just released Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. In an interview with Japanese videogame mag Famitsu, the father (co-creator) of the Pokémon phenomenon, Tsunekazu Ishihara (thanks to Famitsu for the image), said that he considers these two games as the ultimate Pokémon versions. Why so, you might ask? For one thing, all sorts of new Pokémon have been included. You might wanna sit down for the next one: in Diamond and Pearl, you'll be able to transfer your hard-trained creatures from earlier GBA games Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, Fire Red, Leaf Green and Emerald! There will be online battling and trading via Nintendo DS Wi-Fi connection, as well as online voice chat. Later on this year, even link up your NDS system to the Nintendo Wii (wirelessly of course!) and bring all your beloved 2D-born characters to life in magnificient 3D on the big screen!

We are happy to say that both Pokémon Diamond and Pearl are in stock for NDS and pre-orders are being taken care of. New orders are certainly very welcome for only US$ 54.90 each (shipped!). As with all import games on Lik-Sang.com, Free Shipping Worldwide applies to these titles as well of course. Both games will play perfectly on any Nintendo DS system globally, as the handheld console is 100% region-free. In Japan, a special NDS edition to honor the release of these titles is sadly limited to purchases at the Pokémon Center. While we have done our utmost to secure some of those beauties for Lik Sang customers, it appears limited edition equals very limited in this case alas. At least the image shown can be clicked for a larger version. In case we'll get lucky still for some of those unique systems, we'll put them up in our NDS Hardware section.
Facts and Tidbits
The game features a new region called Shino and you'll begin in the starter town Futaba. Face both Pre-Evolutions and Evolutions of old Pokémon in Diamond and Pearl plus there will be new type combinations as well. Visual presentation differs betweeen female and male Pokémon, sprites have been crafted accordingly to account for various gender versions.
Nintendo relies heavily on NDS Wi-Fi connectivity in Pokémon Diamon and Pearl. Players who explore beneath the Pokémon Center, will find a fresh Wi-Fi Club, where you can battle, exchange Pokémon and use online voice chat, which lets you and people in your Friends List communicate while fighting it out. Just input your buddies' 12 digit friend codes and you are good to go! Furthermore, the NDS can access retail download terminals (DS Stations services). The royal cherry will be delivered as soon as Pokémon Battle Revoluton is out for Wii this year: kick things off by inserting the Diamond or Pearl cartridge into your NDS and mentioned Wii game into the console. The handheld then acts as a controller where you can have your Diamond and Pearl characters clash in full 3D glory on the Wii screen. Sweet! Modes of play will include player vs player, player vs CPU and Wi-Fi.

Back to NDS gameplay: you'll be able to either go for stylus/touch screen control or the regular setup of using the hardware buttons on the handheld. Commanding your Pokémon with the stylus means directly pushing on-screen buttons on the bottom display. Game mechanics during battles are very similar to the proven formula of earlier Pokémon titles, which will make it easy for both veterans and newcomers alike to jump right into your first confrontation. A redesigned Pokédex now resembles an NDS in shape and functionality, offering dual screens and a D-Pad. Basic monster data, tools for fiddling with the Pokémon voices and comparing size and weight are all things you have access to by using the stylus. A totally new item, the Pokéwatch, has been included as well. It resembles a digital watch and its display gets shown on the bottom NDS screen. There are 20 functions, like time telling, a calculator, a camera and a creature viewing tool. Players start out with only a few basic features, you'll obtain more as you progress in the game.
This watch comes in handy, as time plays an important part in Diamond and Pearl. Dynamic cycles move between morning, afternoon, evening, night and late night. Day of time influences the chance you'll see a particular Pokémon appear, which offers a fresh strategy element here, if you are bent on catching'em all. It's Professor Nanakamado's debut, who will aid you in completing your Pokédex. A key to success is to rely on his advice heavily, as 90% of Pokémon are rumored to have evolved for Diamond and Pearl. With all the fresh features included in these fine Pokémon RPG releases, Diamond and Pearl can truly be regarded as the ultimate Pokémon experience. Fans of the series just can't miss this one, it's too big an event to pass by; if you ever dreamed of a Pokémon adventure that's nothing short of all-inclusive, then you are staring right at it. Grab your Pokéballs and let the trainer out!
For more information and downloads, click here!
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