Hi, my name´s Technicolour, I don´t usually post much on Facepunch; I´m usually seen lurking around the Wiremod forums so the odds we´ve not met, hi! I only recently got into Lua with the help of a friend named Divran, together we´ve been working on a project in Lua on and off for the past month or two.
First off we started with a simple Intel 8080 emulator, based off of my (extremely) slow Wiremod expression 2: http://www.wiremod.com/forum/finishe...-invaders.html The objective was to test a couple of things, just what kind of performance we could eek out of Lua, and given the necessary performance and whether we could render the large frame buffer in Gmod without running into problems.
This project was a huge success. This is our result, in realtime (Thanks for the video Danking!):