Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Sephiroth_FF7:

This game is a port of the game GhostBusters released on various platforms, the graphics are taken mainly from the version Sega Master System. The elements of the game are not quite the same, I took a bit of all versions and add my personal touch.
24/12/07 Version 0.1
- First public release
Stage very little progress
How to play:
- On the map, utilisar arrows diectionneles to move and A + a direction to go to a building.
Red => There are ghosts
Violet => There will be ghosts
White => He will be attacked by Marshmallow Man
Press B to use the ghost bait, use when the ghosts will merge to avoid the disaster.
- On the road, colisions are losing money, approaching ghosts you aspire to with the ghost vacuum.
- In capture mode, press A to each action.
If the phase-capture ghosts will not start, go to GBHQ.
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