The story and the stage are completely linked! And the movie characters make their appearance in the game as well. In fact, you can obtain the hidden movie character Dark Keroro. How to get it though, and what are his strengths? You will find out in the movie! The game and the film will double your enjoyment! For the first time in games related to the Keroro series, horizontal scroll action becomes possible.
Bandai's Gekihou-Han Keroro Gunsou 3: Action! Tenkuu Daibouken de Arimasu! for Nintendo DSâ„¢ is in stock today, shipping as region free Japanese version for US$ 48.90 only.
Game Features:
Find where the flag flies on the field and stand on that point. You have successfully raided the world.
The special attacks comes along with grand animated sequences. To activate these attacks, the player need to find the right Super Medal for each character. Aside from special moves, each of the characters have their own attacks and these characters can be switched on and off for the progression of the game.
At the end of every world there is a boss waiting for you to fight. But unlike most action games, the boss fight takes you to a completely new special game. And once you have defeated the boss, you can return to that special game as many times as you like such that you can obtain high scores.