Gearboy v3.0.0 beta 1 released!

April 7th, 2020, 12:24

* Fix warnings
* Disable matrix rendering for the momment
* Upate gitignore
* Update .gitignore
* MS Visual Studio 2019 project
* Fix warnings
* Fix SDL config path pointer
* Update Roboto font format
* Merge branch 'develop' of into develop
* Merge branch 'develop' of into develop
* Change Robot font format
* Add SDL dependency
* Add Glew dependency
* Remove Qt references
* Merge branch 'develop' of into develop
* Update
* Merge branch 'master' into develop
* Create FUNDING.yml
* Update
* Update
* Minimium window size
* Video scale factor
* Fix loading cheats without ROM
* Open recent roms
* Update Dirent
* Minor refactor
* Game Genie and GameShark cheats
* Customizable dmg palettes
* Default palettes
* Customizable Gamepad
* Gamepad config
* Update
* Update
* Pause on focus lost
* Customizable keyboard
* Disable input when using GUI
* Persistent keyboard config
* Keyboard working
* Minor refactor
* Minor refactor
* Avoid noise when empty
* Ignore tmp files
* About window as modal
* About window as modal
* Load/Save RAM files
* Add Roboto font
* Update
* Refactor
* Read/Write settings file
* Changing config lib to mINI
* Fix warnings in macOS
* Add inih library
* Improve gui
* Improve save state operation
* Ensure closed files for save states
* Avoid running emu when idle
* Disable pause after init
* Init buffers to avoid noise
* Fix missing glew lib for Linux
* Emulator build info
* Emulator sync
* Fix build on Linux an Windows
* Initial rendering
* Merge branch 'target-color-format' into develop
* Fix GB_Color_Format enum
* Use RGB565 in rpi app
* Use RGB565 in iOS app
* Run for N cycles in PS2
* Expose internal DMG buffers
* Add BGR pixel formats
* Runtime flag to select pixel format RGB555 and RGB565 (default)
* Natively rendering in RGB565
* Fix ImGuiFileBrowser alphabetic sort
* Audio working
* Add cross platform data dir
* Fix warnings in ImGuiFileBrowser
* Changed file browser
* Basic gui implementation
* Set emulator name as constant
* Minor structure change
* Update Travis CI
* Basic structure for ImGui app
* Fix Travis for ImGui
* Fix Travis for ImGui
* Fix Travis for ImGui
* Fix Travis for ImGui
* Fix Travis for ImGui
* Fix Travis for ImGui
* Add vscode
* Push version to 3.0.0 and enable debug
* ImGui initial commit
* Delete Qt files

Part of the DCEmu Network Nintendo DS News..