Wii/GameCube memory card manager is a project which has evolved from the mcbackup libOGC example back on 2006.
That example was intended to backup gamesaves over network and Akot added SD card support (trhought the SD gecko adapter) on 2007.
In early 2008 justb and dsbomb rebaptized the project to it's current name, added support for savegame deleting, showing the savegames information and developed a nice GUI for it.
Now, here is gcmm, ported to wii and libfat. More important, mcbackup has never correctly restored the savegames, though it may sometimes work, it seems to be pure luck.
This has been fixed. Enjoy.
-Backup savegames to front SD (wii) or SD gecko (gc)in GCI format.
-Restore gci savegames to memory card.
-Delete savegames.
-Only supports the GCI format. Anyway it's the most used and ther are tools to convert other formats into GCI.
-Protected gamesaves will only be able to be restored on the card it was backuped from. Even though, some protected savegames will still not work as some save protection rely in the situation of the gamesave on the memory card.
-Official Nintendo memory cards won't work in Wii mode for now due to a change in the DSP.
-Add full raw memory card image backup and restore. Thanks to Masken for information and sources.
Additional notes about protected savegames:
Protected savegames rely on the serial ID that is given to the memory card when it is formated. That's why they won't work in other cards and why they won't work on the same card if that has been formatted.
Restoring a raw image to a diferent card has still to be tested to see if that will permit using a protected gamesave on another memory card.