Everything seems to happen at once here at gbadev.org! You might not have noticed but last month we received our 5 millionth visitor on the main page! 2 weeks before that the 10 thousandth member registered on our forum....
...and today we celebrate our 8th birthday!
8 years ago today this site was started....and what a great time we've had!
Let's reminisce...
Back in 2000, a few months before the GBA was even released, the first GBA Emulator was released and our visitors/day record might still be from that day...
I dont remember much from 2001 (I need to go dig out the old backups so I can see what we posted about back then), but I do remember receiving my GBA in march 2001, the same day it was released in Asia.
We started to host development competitions back in 2002 (I think) and thanks to luna_s we got the forum set up in the last few days of that year.
We had our big site re-design done in 2003, and I think we havent changed it much since (correct me if Im wrong!). It was also back in 2003 that the whole Nintendo vs. Lik-Sang battle took place. I don't think we'll forget about that anytime soon

We also hosted a successful coding competition (24 games, 5 demos downloaded 3000+ times in the first 2 days after the compo ended) with $1200+ in cash and a lot of flash cartridges etc as prizes.
I remember our trip to E3 in 2004 where we had front-row seats at the Nintendo press conferance where Satoru Iwata unveiled the DS.
In 2005 we spent a lot of time working on the 2004Mbit compo game (I STILL quite often get e-mails from people asking questions about the game), one of the high-lights being our meeting with Shigeru Miyamoto at that years E3 where he signed a copy of the game (Nintendo president Satoru Iwata standing next to us looking on).
2006 and onwards have been slower news-wise. I have had a lot to do IRL and many homebrewers have moved on to do DS development so there isn't always a whole lot to update this site with, but if you have anything GBA development related, do send us an e-mail (and if we dont post, PM us on the forum as your mail was probably lost in all the spam we get).
Anyways...I hope you have enjoyed this as much as we have and if you want, feel free to leave a comment in this forum thread
/Simon & krom