Hi guys. For my 3rd year Comp Sci project (and an excuse to learn C programming), I've been trying to create a racing game for the Nintendo DS. I haven't done much programming before this (a few Java examples in my 1st year and Visual Basic in college). Not much has been implemented when compared to what I wanted and it's REALLY SIMPLE, at the moment it's just a ship which can be moved along a single track, but hopefully I aim to one day evolve this into a full game! I'd like some criticism and thoughts, keeping in mind that I've never programmed anything properly before and that this is my first real foray into coding and game development
P.S. If you mind me using your reply for evaluation purposes in my project, please let me know and I won't use it!!
Ship Selection Screen:
* Left and Right - Select Ship
* A - Confirm Selection
Main Game:
* Y - Accelerate
* B - Brake
* A - Manual Grip
* L - Strafe Left
* R - Strafe Right
* Left and Right - Turn
* Select - Reset ship position
* Start - Render Skybox On/Off (With the skybox on, you can see the graphical direction I was going for, but not the track

I'll fix this later)
* A box is rendered to show the direction that the ship is moving in.
* ManualGrip defines whether or not the ship will attempt to counteract the ship moving in a direction away from where it's nose is pointing. Will be useful in the future for turning at sharp edges in hairpin turns without slowing right down. Play around with it when not accelerating!
* The track can't be seen when the skybox is being rendered.
* The camera jerks sometimes, will be fixed.
* Sometimes when the ship falls off the track and replaced on it, it doesn't get rotated properly and starts jerking. For the moment reset with Select.